Awakening is simply that, waking up from the human condition. It is a remembering of who you truly are, a connection with yourself that allows you to recall your teachings and knowings of your true soul self. An understanding that you and the universe are ever expansive, a realisation that Creator is you and that you are Creator.
The human mind struggles with these concepts but now that a seed of light has been planted it will begin to grow. Your role is to nurture that seed, water it with information, protect it from yourself, others and society and most of all give it love. As you feed the seed with love you are feeding yourself love, you are connecting with a part of you that has been waiting patiently to show you who you truly are and the infinite possibilities that lay before you.
Awakening is simply that, waking up from the human condition. It is a remembering of who you truly are, a connection with yourself that allows you to recall your teachings and knowings of your true soul self. An understanding that you and the universe are ever expansive, a realisation that Creator is you and that you are Creator.
The human mind struggles with these concepts but now that a seed of light has been planted it will begin to grow. Your role is to nurture that seed, water it with information, protect it from yourself, others and society and most of all give it love. As you feed the seed with love you are feeding yourself love, you are connecting with a part of you that has been waiting patiently to show you who you truly are and the infinite possibilities that lay before you.
Accessing your true soul self is similar to the analogy of layers of an onion. As you shed and remove the older outer layers of yourself, those being the lower self and the ego, you allow your higher self greater access. Energetically you are very very large, your physical body is the densest point of you. You sit within the soul, it surrounds you and penetrates every cell of your body, it structurally connects outwards into the energetic field. As you remove your outer layers and clear the blockages within the chakras on each of those layers you obtain greater access to your higher self. Your higher self blends with the part of you inside the vessel of your body. The more you let go of, the higher you go.
The layers of the lower self and the ego are what begin to drop away as you become more aware of the dysfunction of your body and mind. As you address these issues through personal development, observation and acceptance you are communicating with the lower self and it knows it is no longer needed. This process can take many many years and each layer will have layers within themselves.
There are also many different elements to the higher self to understand and explore, the most important is the understanding of Aspects. Aspects are a part of your soul self. You have multiple aspects that govern different parts of your life from childhood through to present. Older aspects are required to leave before higher aspects of yourself can enter.
Through my teachings and activations this process is accelerated. You receive the ability to address and remove the lower self and ego, giving you access to your higher self and greater ability to tap into and become your own creator.
Accessing your true soul self is similar to the analogy of layers of an onion. As you shed and remove the older outer layers of yourself, those being the lower self and the ego, you allow your higher self greater access. Energetically you are very very large, your physical body is the densest point of you. You sit within the soul, it surrounds you and penetrates every cell of your body, it structurally connects outwards into the energetic field. As you remove your outer layers and clear the blockages within the chakras on each of those layers you obtain greater access to your higher self. Your higher self blends with the part of you inside the vessel of your body. The more you let go of, the higher you go.
The layers of the lower self and the ego are what begin to drop away as you become more aware of the dysfunction of your body and mind. As you address these issues through personal development, observation and acceptance you are communicating with the lower self and it knows it is no longer needed. This process can take many many years and each layer will have layers within themselves.
There are also many different elements to the higher self to understand and explore, the most important is the understanding of Aspects. Aspects are a part of your soul self. You have multiple aspects that govern different parts of your life from childhood through to present. Older aspects are required to leave before higher aspects of yourself can enter.
Through my teachings and activations this process is accelerated. You receive the ability to address and remove the lower self and ego, giving you access to your higher self and greater ability to tap into and become your own creator.
There are many different forms of awakening, but first you must acknowledge or believe that there is more out there than what meets the human eye. A belief, a knowing, a feeling that there is something much bigger than yourself. You don’t know what it is, how to find it, you just know that it is there and you are a part of it.
It is quite common that a person’s awakening is triggered by a significant life event. A traumatic experience, the death of a loved one, a serious injury or illness and at times a very high fever. Sometimes it occurs like flicking a switch in your brain and now you are questioning everything you have ever known. The world can suddenly or over time look different to you, your friends and family don’t understand you or you them and you begin to scrutinise the way you live your life, your thoughts and your feelings.
You may begin to ask yourself these questions:
· Why am I here?
· What’s my purpose?
· Why don’t people understand me?
You may have feelings of:
· Agitation towards other humans and humanity
· That nobody else understands you
· Emotions being triggered from one end of the spectrum to the other for no real reason
· Feeling alone when you are not or wanting to be alone
Have a wanting or desire to:
· Be drawn to working with humanitarian groups or animal welfare groups
· Be drawn to take greater action on protecting the earth and the environment
· Become vegetarian or vegan
· Desire to shed all your friends
To accelerate your awakening the energetic field and body needs to be cleared and upgraded. Just like a house or a building your body and energetic field has a blueprint and a template that holds that blue print. When you renovate a house or a building the blueprint is changed or upgraded completely, the body’s energetic systems are no different. Depending on the age and make up of your body (vessel) will depend on the type and upgrades and changes required to move you forward and open you up to yourself.
The Point of Presence programs work specifically with your higher self and your vessel, assessing your individuality and activating and upgrading as required. Opening you to the teachings of the Universe, the functionality of your energetic field, all 222 layers of it, and the effect of the body, mentally, emotionally and physically, past present and future you.
To accelerate your awakening the energetic field and body needs to be cleared and upgraded. Just like a house or a building your body and energetic field has a blueprint and a template that holds that blue print. When you renovate a house or a building the blueprint is changed or upgraded completely, the body’s energetic systems are no different. Depending on the age and make up of your body (vessel) will depend on the type and upgrades and changes required to move you forward and open you up to yourself.
The Point of Presence programs work specifically with your higher self and your vessel, assessing your individuality and activating and upgrading as required. Opening you to the teachings of the Universe, the functionality of your energetic field, all 222 layers of it, and the effect of the body, mentally, emotionally and physically, past present and future you.