There is a lot of myth and some misunderstanding around the concept of trance channeling. I would like to help you to dispel any worries due to lack of knowledge.
Trance channeling for higher learning, from The Light Realms is completely safe and not the least bit scary when a teacher is fully prepared to receive higher consciousness. This happens when the teacher has cleared many many layers of their emotional body and any past traumas that are clouding their energetic field. This provides a clear space for connection with a layer of Creator/Source/God/Universal Consciousness and/or other levels of the higher self.
There are many different types of energetic channeling and mediumship, all of which connect into different levels of the human energetic field and the universal energetic field. Often people ask why different people channel different information. It all depends on how much pre-clearing they have done and their preconceived personal belief systems which will influence their channeling. Each individual that channels information has a unique ability and is never exactly the same as another. The most common types of channeling or mediumship are done within the Astral realms and are known as clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant and claircognizant. All of these people either feel, hear, see or know, the information they are receiving. This person/conduit, will develop their abilities as time passes. Sometimes they tap into the energies of individuals that have passed over, or they may receive information on a specific timeline in which the person/client is currently traveling upon.
Most of you will remember the entertaining scene from the movie Ghost, where the ghost of Patrick Swayze’s character channeled through Whoopee Goldberg so Patrick could speak to Demi Moore’s character. This is a characterised example of someone working in the Astral planes allowing a spirit of a person that has passed over to blend into their body and communicate through them.
Sometimes a person working in the Astral planes can also bring through information they receive from specific Guides, Masters or Angels. Which can be very helpful to early seekers (those beginning on the awakening path).
Trance channeling in the Light Realms with its multiple levels is very different to connecting to the Astral planes. A person who will be a channel of higher consciousness, is attuned and aligned by beings of light, so that they bring through the highest and purest information possible.
Often these individuals have done spiritual work in past lives. This enables them to develop their abilities more quickly, adjusting their physical and energetic body to the vibrational level necessary. The channeler having the ability to create a space within themselves for other energetic beings or energy to enter.
These highly evolved loving beings use the Channelers body as a point of presence, like a radio receiver. The trance channels body receiving the message in code and interprets it into speech; facial expressions appear along with the down load of information, so it looks and feels like the being has entered the body.
It is important to note that at no point is the body possessed by another energy, it is merely receiving high vibrational coding. Just like a television set isn’t full of ‘real people’ a Light Realm trance channel retains full control of their human form whilst receiving higher information. This higher information is used for the evolutionary progression of humankind, and the acceleration of individual human beings to awaken to their higher purpose and higher self.
When this coded information enters the physical it enters the body through the rear of the Third Eye Chakra which is located at the top of the neck/base of the skull. The front of the third eye chakra still remains at the brow on the forehead. As light never fully travels in a straight line, when it enters the body it is forced to arch backwards until it is completely entered/received. There are varying degrees to this and as the human body continues to raise in vibration a more of a blending process can occur. Very high vibrational energies can be a challenge to enter and hold within the body and can take or require greater physical attention.
It is extremely common that trance channels only channel coding from one energy, therefore only one being speaking through them. This is where Saramatu is different, she can channel multiple Light Realm beings, Guides, Archangels, Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Intergalactic Council members and inter/multi-dimensional beings. All of which have chosen her to teach, heal and deliver their messages to awaken and transform humanity.
When these energies enter Saramatu’s body, my soul self is pushed into the background. It is like watching or listening to the television from another room, I can’t quite hear or see everything but you get an idea of what is happening. Not always remembering what has been discussed as the thoughts and words are not mine. When these beings speak, they commonly have a distinctive voice change and at times, if very high vibration, speak very slowly. My appearance also slightly changes in my face and some of the beings take the opportunity to experience the physical form and move the face around.
The higher the vibration Saramatu maintains the higher vibrational coding and being can be channeled. As I continue to release the lower self and embody my true higher soul self the closer I become to embodying the Divine here on earth.
When these energies enter Saramatu’s body, my soul self is pushed into the background. It is like watching or listening to the television from another room, I can’t quite hear or see everything but you get an idea of what is happening. Not always remembering what has been discussed as the thoughts and words are not mine. When these beings speak, they commonly have a distinctive voice change and at times, if very high vibration, speak very slowly. My appearance also slightly changes in my face and some of the beings take the opportunity to experience the physical form and move the face around.
The higher the vibration Saramatu maintains the higher vibrational coding and being can be channeled. As I continue to release the lower self and embody my true higher soul self the closer I become to embodying the Divine here on earth.